Portfolio > In Need
In Need:
During my travels around the world, I have experienced a common feeling—my heart starts to beat fast, my breath seems to quicken, and I feel a warm sensation as a golden glow surrounds me. Spirits in need of help invade my body and cause havoc. I experience physical pain, unrest, sickness and distress. Then when they have gathered all the energy they need in order to heal themselves, they leave. When they finally exit my body, I feel a sense of liberation and exhaustion. They float away as they go, creatures shaped like elongated bubbles.
During my travels around the world, I have experienced a common feeling—my heart starts to beat fast, my breath seems to quicken, and I feel a warm sensation as a golden glow surrounds me. Spirits in need of help invade my body and cause havoc. I experience physical pain, unrest, sickness and distress. Then when they have gathered all the energy they need in order to heal themselves, they leave. When they finally exit my body, I feel a sense of liberation and exhaustion. They float away as they go, creatures shaped like elongated bubbles.